Ala-Kul lake

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In Kyrgyzstan, Ala Kul Lake, also known as Ala Köl, is a magnificent glacial alpine lake. It is situated in the Terskey Alatoo mountain range between the Karakol and Altyn Arashan valleys at an elevation of 3560 m (11,680 ft). Hikers who travel to the area to explore it on foot frequently seek out this natural lake as a destination.

Back in time
Ala Kul’s name translates to “Colorful Lake.” The lake was initially explored by a Russian adventurer named Putimtsoff in 1811. Then, he revealed his finding by listing all the many hues he had noticed in the lake’s waters and by mentioning the winds that were blowing in the area. The renowned German scientist Alexander Schrenk visited the location thirty years later and verified the explorer’s accounts.

The lake has now gained popularity as a trekking destination.

How to get to Ala Kul Lake

The glacial Ala-Kul lake, which is tucked away in the highlands and stunning, can only be accessed on foot. Due to its famed beauty, it is currently a well-liked tourist attraction.

The lake has a surface area of only approximately 1.5 km2, yet it is deep, measuring roughly 70 meters (230 feet) deep. A glacier encircles it, which is where the lake gets its alluring hue.

However, getting to this picturesque lake requires some effort. Ala Kol, which is perched at a height of 3560 m, is only reachable via a strenuous trek that provides some challenges. The scenic trek provides the chance to encounter some wild creatures, herds of yaks or sheep, and pass several shepherd yurts. The views of the Karakol, Djiguit, and Oguz Bashi peaks are stunning from the Ala Kul Pass. The lake’s pristine surroundings will astound you and provide you with the chance to reflect and unwind.

Remember that the hike to the lake ascends to over 4,000 meters (13,123 feet) in elevation, and that mountain sickness can strike as low as 3,000 meters (9,843 ft).

Note that some portions are quite steep and difficult.

On the way back from the lake, don’t forget to stop at the hot mineral sources of Altyn Arashan.